Hello and welcome to all of the visitors. I am Oh Meng Gin, Gin shall be a nick name to all of you as well. I have just completed my foundation course which was in stream A of UTAR and currently under graduate of Degree in Business Administration (Hons) Entrepreneurship. This is my first year and first semester. I am glad that I have been arranged in this friendly group which is T2.
In 1991, I have existed in this world and currently locates at Ipoh which is a state of Malaysia. I have spent my childhood happily and wisely. I completed my primary and secondary education at Sam Tet Primary and Secondary school. After over hundred of exams, I came to UTAR to step forward to a bright future.
My hobby changes oftenly so I shall call it as hobbies since there're so many of them. I like to cycle around to enjoy the refreshing air especially the morning mist but I dare not to cycle to my recent university under the big and hot sun which might caused skin cancer to me. Fishing was my past hobby because I am lack of patience recently. Shopping was a ideal hobby for me though but recently I am facing financial problem and I am sorry to the branded stuffs because daddy couldn't take you all home. Lastly, keeping pets is 1 of my recent hobby because I am getting kill by boredom and loneliness.
Lets keep it short by now or else I am going to ruin this blog with thousand of words and irrelevant sentences. Anyways, wish all of the blog visitors take your time and enjoy in this amazing blog which is a ideal and beneficial place to communicate. Thank you.
2.Utar Portal
4.Utar WBLE
1. I can chat with my friends and take the funny psychological tests.
2. I can update myself and be alert to any new events that UTAR helds.
3. In this site, I could do some marketing research such as item's market price.
4. With this site, I could keep in touch with my lecturers and tutors and download my latest updated notes.
5. I just realised that i have great interest in big income so in this site I could learn how to invest in stocks such as purchasing, selling, understanding the concept of the investment requirement and etc.
1. Play online games
2. Watch drama
3. Instant messaging
4. Look for profitable opportunities
5. Listen to music
Feel free to contact me via :
squall-oh@hotmail.com =)
( Bet you will not be regret for adding this in your Msn Messenger*)
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