Yup it's working :p
**Call Me Kuan**
Hello and welcome to all blog visitors, I'm Gan Teck Kuan, currently enrolled in Degree in Business Admin.(Hons) Entrepreneurship course, Year 1 Trimester 1. I'm in Tutorial Group 2 of the course.
I was born in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Spent my childhood and finished my Primary and Secondary education at the same place also. Now I'm joining UTAR to finish my Degree.
I enjoy visiting anywhere on my motorcycle, as I'm an enthusiast in traveling on these machines. I'm also a hobbyist in tarantula keeping, currently owning several species in my collection.
Other than that I also like to watch videos and movies and also hanging out with friends.
- Lowyat.NET - Insanely Addictive Malaysia Forum.
- YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
- Malaysian Bikers Community.
- Malaysian Tarantula Society Forum - Index.
- Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.
- This is a forum with many ideas and contribution from various members of Malaysia society. I can get many information here about so many things that I don't know which to start with.
- For my entertainment purpose only.
- As I'm a motorcycle enthusiast, this forum is a great place for me to hangout and get latest information about Malaysia's motorcycle trend and changes.
- I also keep tarantulas, so, this forum serves a a platform for me to interact with other keepers and improve my knowledge about these pets.
- I get all my lecture notes and tutorial questions here.
- Instant messenging.
- Watch YouTube videos.
- Read stuffs.
- Download stuffs.
- Some light online gaming perhaps?
MSN- tkgan88@hotmail(dot)com
^u^AbOuT KiM ProFile**
Welcome to UTAR En T2 Blog , my name is Foo Siew Khim , or you can call me Kim , now I am study my degree course at UTAR . Currently I am year one trimester one in Degree in Business Admin.(Hons) Entrepreneurship course .
I was born in Kota Bharu , Kelantan . My childhood and school life also spent in the same place .
I very like to cook especially for my family . My successful recipe usually came from newspaper , I also buy the cook book but mostly failed , so I think the author will not teach you every steps , they will miss out some steps you need to go find by yourself . I also like to bake cake and bread which was learned from the newspaper recipe .
Other than that , I also like go to travel overseas . When I go to different country I can learn many different cultures and tastes many delicious local foods . I watch the movies or series of drama to fill my free time . Lastly , I think the hobbie most girls will have is shopping . I like to go shopping but that doesn't means I like to buy many things .
- YouTube-Broadcast Yourself
- Welcome to Facebook
- UTAR WBLE:Login the site
- Alibaba Manufacturer Directory-Suppliers,Manufacturers,Exporters & Importers
- I can learn many things like handicrafts and watch many funny videos
- I can play the psychological test when i feel bored
- I go to this website to download my lecture notes and tutorial questions
- There are many things to sell with very cheap prices because most product came directly from the manufactures .
- I use this website to find any information I want.
My Top 5 Internet Activities
- Find Information
- Watch YouTube Videos
- Instant Messenging
- Download Lectures Notes
- Play Online Games
MSN => tea_n_tomato@hotmail(dot)com
About M3 ^o^ Kelvin

Welcome to all blog visitors, I'm Hooi Chee Hoong, currently enrolled in Degree in Business Admin.(Hons) Entrepreneurship course, Year 1 Trimester 1,Tutorial Group 2.
I was born in Kuala Lumpur at Aug'90 but i spent my childhood at Ipoh, Perak. I finished my primay and secondary school at Ipoh also. After graduate from secondary school, I took the foundation programmed at UTAR, Kampar and now I'm enrolled in the degree.
I like sports, especially basketball and snooker. At my free time, i also like to hang out with friends having good movies. I also like to travel a lot, tasting delicious foods from different places.
Why? Because :
- Community channel between friends and classmate.
- Intranet that keep UTAR student update with UTAR latest news.
- This is where UTAR student download lecture notes and tutorial questions.
- Automotive forum where i get information on vehicles at Malaysia.
- Watch videos and MVs.
- Watch movies.
- Online gaming.
- Download movies.
- Reading news and articles.
- Listen to the online music channel.
You can contact me via :
About Gin~
Hello and welcome to all of the visitors. I am Oh Meng Gin, Gin shall be a nick name to all of you as well. I have just completed my foundation course which was in stream A of UTAR and currently under graduate of Degree in Business Administration (Hons) Entrepreneurship. This is my first year and first semester. I am glad that I have been arranged in this friendly group which is T2.
In 1991, I have existed in this world and currently locates at Ipoh which is a state of Malaysia. I have spent my childhood happily and wisely. I completed my primary and secondary education at Sam Tet Primary and Secondary school. After over hundred of exams, I came to UTAR to step forward to a bright future.
My hobby changes oftenly so I shall call it as hobbies since there're so many of them. I like to cycle around to enjoy the refreshing air especially the morning mist but I dare not to cycle to my recent university under the big and hot sun which might caused skin cancer to me. Fishing was my past hobby because I am lack of patience recently. Shopping was a ideal hobby for me though but recently I am facing financial problem and I am sorry to the branded stuffs because daddy couldn't take you all home. Lastly, keeping pets is 1 of my recent hobby because I am getting kill by boredom and loneliness.
Lets keep it short by now or else I am going to ruin this blog with thousand of words and irrelevant sentences. Anyways, wish all of the blog visitors take your time and enjoy in this amazing blog which is a ideal and beneficial place to communicate. Thank you.
2.Utar Portal
4.Utar WBLE
1. I can chat with my friends and take the funny psychological tests.
2. I can update myself and be alert to any new events that UTAR helds.
3. In this site, I could do some marketing research such as item's market price.
4. With this site, I could keep in touch with my lecturers and tutors and download my latest updated notes.
5. I just realised that i have great interest in big income so in this site I could learn how to invest in stocks such as purchasing, selling, understanding the concept of the investment requirement and etc.
1. Play online games
2. Watch drama
3. Instant messaging
4. Look for profitable opportunities
5. Listen to music
Feel free to contact me via :
squall-oh@hotmail.com =)
( Bet you will not be regret for adding this in your Msn Messenger*)
Jo3l ^^

Well, its hard for me to start writing something especially writing a blog since I am new to it :( I'll just follow the same old way of writing something which is to introduce myself. I'm Joel Fam Weng Soon( not much people know my full name though xD ), going to be 20 this year. Everyone calls me Joel or El. As an undergraduate in UTAR, Kampar, I am enrolling in Degree in Business Administration (Hons) Entrepreneurship. Not many students are taking this course and thats the reason why we have only 2 classes for this course. I am in T2. Although this class have only around 6 students we are close together and I have pretty happy with it.
Coming out of my mother's womb in 1990, I was a 9 pounds fat baby and proudly the heaviest baby in the hospital of Kota Bahru, Kelantan. Although i was born in Kelantan, my family shifted to Ipoh where i spent my childhood and adulthood in this city known as the Bougainvillea city. As naughty as a child can be, I did many things that caused troubles and heartaches to my parents. Although having much trouble teaching me, my parents brought me up well. Having me to study in one of the famous schools in Ipoh, I completed my primary and secondary studies in SRJK (c) Sam Tet and SMJK (c) Sam Tet. School memories are the best memories for me after all as I always missed the days in school where all I have to worry about is only studies. Only after growing up did I realize that how fortunate I have been when I was young and innocent. I would also like to take this opportunity to show my gratitude to my family especially my parents for giving me a fabulous childhood to me. Thank you and I love you daddy and mommy.
As for my hobbies, I have to admit I do not have a healthy one. My current hobby is to surf the internet and playing computer games :/ That should explain why my tummy is growing day by day. I used to like playing basketball and fishing but since i left school, its hard to have all friends playing together and its too bored to play alone T.T.
I guess that will briefly let you know about me. And yes, I do think I am friendly and like to make friends although many did say I look too cool to talk to.
1. Facebook
2. Youtube
3. Wble
4. Utar Portal
5. MMORPG.com
Why? because :
1. Socializing with friends and games.
2. To view game replays and music videos.
3. For lecture notes and tutorial questions.
4. For Utar's notices and events.
5. To seek for new games.
1. Gaming.
2. Chatting with friends.
3. Watching and downloading dramas or movies.
4. Listening and downloading songs and music videos.
5. Watching games replays.
You can contact me via :
The Evolution of Computer Systems: From Mainframe Computer Systems to Microcomputer Systems.
The evolution of computer is an interesting process. Instead of developing from small sized machines into huge ones, the computer actually shrinks during the evolution.
In fact, the first computer ENIAC ( stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), that was announced in 1946 was a behemoth.
It contained:
1) 17,468 vacuum tubes,
2) 7,200 crystal diodes,
3) 1,500 relays,
4) 70,000 resistors,
5)10,000 capacitors,
6) and around 5 million hand-soldered joints.
It weighed 30 short tons (27 t), was roughly 8.5 by 3 by 80 feet (2.6 m × 0.9 m × 26 m), took up 680 square feet (63 m2), and consumed 150 kW of power.
ENIAC was designed to calculate artillery firing tables for the United States Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory, but its first use was in calculations for the hydrogen bomb.
When ENIAC was announced in 1946 it was heralded in the press as a "Giant Brain". It boasted speeds one thousand times faster than electro-mechanical machines, a leap in computing power that no single machine has since matched.
Now let us go to the main focus. The size and the power featured by ENIAC are all the typical traits of a Mainframe Computer System. In fact, ENIAC was the first mainframe computer ever created.
Facts about mainframe computer:
1) Huge in size, they can take up to a whole room of space.
2) Very expensive, can cost up to millions for a single system.
3) Very expensive to run, considering the size and performance of the computer system.
4) Have the ability to host multiple operating systems.
5) Very powerful, has high processing speed and huge storage capacity.
6) Highly secure and reliable, due to the "graceful degradation" property(to continue operating properly in the event of the failure of (or one or more faults within) some of its components) and the allowance of services during operation.
7) Have the ability to support multiple users, crucial for organizational operation.
8) Can add or hot swap system capacity non disruptively and granularly.
9) Have peripheral processors, which manage the I/O (input and output) devices, leaving the CPU to deal only with high-speed memory.
10) Often nick named " The Big Iron".
The mainframes are indeed impressive in terms pf power and size. However there's some drawbacks that prevented them from being used by daily computer users like most of us. The truth is mainframes are just too bulky to house and too expensive to operate for the average folks.
So, in order to deliver the computer technology to the mass, computer manufacturers had to come up with something that can fit easily into our daily life. As a result of this demand, eventually microcomputer was born.
However there's a catch, the transformation from mainframe to microcomputer didn't just happened overnight. There's one important transition stage where one type of computer was introduced - the minicomputer.
The first successful minicomputer was Digital Equipment Corporation’s 12-bit PDP-8, which cost from US$16,000 upwards when launched in 1964. The existence of the important precursors of the PDP-8 include the PDP-5, LINC, the TX-0, the TX-2, and the PDP-1 suggest that minicomputers were invented a few years back earlier though.
Minicomputers were also known as midrange computers. They had relatively high processing power and capacity that mostly fit the needs of mid range organizations. They were used in manufacturing processes or handling email that was sent and received by a company.
They usually took up one or a few cabinets the size of a large refrigerator or two, compared with mainframes that would usually fill a room.
Facts about minicomputer:
1) Utilizes transistor and core memory technology.
2) Sits in the spectrum between mainframe and microcomputer in terms of size and processing speed.
3) Runs full multi-user, multitasking operating systems such as VMS and Unix.
4) Commonly used as servers in network environment and hundreds of personal computers can be connected to the network with a minicomputer acting as server like mainframes.
5) Single user minicomputers are used for complex designing tasks.
The minicomputers were very successful during 1960s to 1970s. However their reign ended when microcomputer emerged during mid-1980s to 1990s.
The change in the trend was made possible with the lowered cost of microprocessor based hardware, the emergence of inexpensive and easily deployable local area network systems, the emergence of the 68020, 80286 and the 80386 microprocessors, and the desire of end-users to be less reliant on inflexible minicomputer manufacturers and IT departments/“data centers” — with the result that minicomputers and dumb terminals were replaced by networked workstations and servers and PCs in the latter half of the 1980s.
During the 1990s the change from minicomputers to inexpensive PC networks was cemented by the development of several versions of Unix to run on the Intel x86 microprocessor architecture, including Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD. Also, the Microsoft Windows series of operating systems, beginning with Windows NT, now included server versions that supported pre-emptive multitasking and other features required for servers.
As microprocessors have become more powerful, CPUs built up from multiple components — once the distinguishing feature differentiating mainframes and mini systems from microcomputers — have become increasingly obsolete, even in the largest mainframe computers.
A microcomputer is a computer with a microprocessor as its central processing unit. They are physically smaller when compared to mainframe and minicomputers. Many microcomputers (when equipped with a keyboard and screen for input and output) are also personal computers (in the generic sense).
Facts about microcomputer:
1) Physically considerably smaller than mainframe or minicomputers.
2) Has a microprocessor as its central processing unit.
3) The most common type of computer in existence today.
4) PC and PC-compatible computers have processors with different architectures than processors in Apple computers.
5) These two types of computers also use different operating systems.
6) PC and PC-compatible computers use the Windows operating system while Apple computers use the Macintosh operating system (MacOS).
7) The majority of microcomputers sold today are part of IBM-compatible. However the Apple computer is neither an IBM nor a compatible. It is another family of computers made by Apple computer.
8) Comes equipped with at least one type of data storage, usually RAM but most are equipped with secondary non-volatile data storage.
9) Normally serves single user.
10) Can be modified to serve multiple users.
1940s - ENIAC, the first mainframe computer was invented.
1960s-1970s - The minicomputers replaced the mainframes in most application. Being smaller and cheaper to operate but still powerful enough to do the job.
1980's and 1990's - The minicomputers gave way to microcomputers due to the lowered cost of hardware and emergence of new network technologies.
In fact, the first computer ENIAC ( stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), that was announced in 1946 was a behemoth.
It contained:
1) 17,468 vacuum tubes,
2) 7,200 crystal diodes,
3) 1,500 relays,
4) 70,000 resistors,
5)10,000 capacitors,
6) and around 5 million hand-soldered joints.
It weighed 30 short tons (27 t), was roughly 8.5 by 3 by 80 feet (2.6 m × 0.9 m × 26 m), took up 680 square feet (63 m2), and consumed 150 kW of power.
ENIAC was designed to calculate artillery firing tables for the United States Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory, but its first use was in calculations for the hydrogen bomb.
When ENIAC was announced in 1946 it was heralded in the press as a "Giant Brain". It boasted speeds one thousand times faster than electro-mechanical machines, a leap in computing power that no single machine has since matched.
Now let us go to the main focus. The size and the power featured by ENIAC are all the typical traits of a Mainframe Computer System. In fact, ENIAC was the first mainframe computer ever created.
Facts about mainframe computer:
1) Huge in size, they can take up to a whole room of space.
2) Very expensive, can cost up to millions for a single system.
3) Very expensive to run, considering the size and performance of the computer system.
4) Have the ability to host multiple operating systems.
5) Very powerful, has high processing speed and huge storage capacity.
6) Highly secure and reliable, due to the "graceful degradation" property(to continue operating properly in the event of the failure of (or one or more faults within) some of its components) and the allowance of services during operation.
7) Have the ability to support multiple users, crucial for organizational operation.
8) Can add or hot swap system capacity non disruptively and granularly.
9) Have peripheral processors, which manage the I/O (input and output) devices, leaving the CPU to deal only with high-speed memory.
10) Often nick named " The Big Iron".
The mainframes are indeed impressive in terms pf power and size. However there's some drawbacks that prevented them from being used by daily computer users like most of us. The truth is mainframes are just too bulky to house and too expensive to operate for the average folks.
So, in order to deliver the computer technology to the mass, computer manufacturers had to come up with something that can fit easily into our daily life. As a result of this demand, eventually microcomputer was born.
However there's a catch, the transformation from mainframe to microcomputer didn't just happened overnight. There's one important transition stage where one type of computer was introduced - the minicomputer.
The first successful minicomputer was Digital Equipment Corporation’s 12-bit PDP-8, which cost from US$16,000 upwards when launched in 1964. The existence of the important precursors of the PDP-8 include the PDP-5, LINC, the TX-0, the TX-2, and the PDP-1 suggest that minicomputers were invented a few years back earlier though.
Minicomputers were also known as midrange computers. They had relatively high processing power and capacity that mostly fit the needs of mid range organizations. They were used in manufacturing processes or handling email that was sent and received by a company.
They usually took up one or a few cabinets the size of a large refrigerator or two, compared with mainframes that would usually fill a room.
Facts about minicomputer:
1) Utilizes transistor and core memory technology.
2) Sits in the spectrum between mainframe and microcomputer in terms of size and processing speed.
3) Runs full multi-user, multitasking operating systems such as VMS and Unix.
4) Commonly used as servers in network environment and hundreds of personal computers can be connected to the network with a minicomputer acting as server like mainframes.
5) Single user minicomputers are used for complex designing tasks.
The minicomputers were very successful during 1960s to 1970s. However their reign ended when microcomputer emerged during mid-1980s to 1990s.
The change in the trend was made possible with the lowered cost of microprocessor based hardware, the emergence of inexpensive and easily deployable local area network systems, the emergence of the 68020, 80286 and the 80386 microprocessors, and the desire of end-users to be less reliant on inflexible minicomputer manufacturers and IT departments/“data centers” — with the result that minicomputers and dumb terminals were replaced by networked workstations and servers and PCs in the latter half of the 1980s.
During the 1990s the change from minicomputers to inexpensive PC networks was cemented by the development of several versions of Unix to run on the Intel x86 microprocessor architecture, including Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD. Also, the Microsoft Windows series of operating systems, beginning with Windows NT, now included server versions that supported pre-emptive multitasking and other features required for servers.
As microprocessors have become more powerful, CPUs built up from multiple components — once the distinguishing feature differentiating mainframes and mini systems from microcomputers — have become increasingly obsolete, even in the largest mainframe computers.
A microcomputer is a computer with a microprocessor as its central processing unit. They are physically smaller when compared to mainframe and minicomputers. Many microcomputers (when equipped with a keyboard and screen for input and output) are also personal computers (in the generic sense).
Facts about microcomputer:
1) Physically considerably smaller than mainframe or minicomputers.
2) Has a microprocessor as its central processing unit.
3) The most common type of computer in existence today.
4) PC and PC-compatible computers have processors with different architectures than processors in Apple computers.
5) These two types of computers also use different operating systems.
6) PC and PC-compatible computers use the Windows operating system while Apple computers use the Macintosh operating system (MacOS).
7) The majority of microcomputers sold today are part of IBM-compatible. However the Apple computer is neither an IBM nor a compatible. It is another family of computers made by Apple computer.
8) Comes equipped with at least one type of data storage, usually RAM but most are equipped with secondary non-volatile data storage.
9) Normally serves single user.
10) Can be modified to serve multiple users.
Timeline of Computer Evolution : From Mainframe to Microcomputer
1940s - ENIAC, the first mainframe computer was invented.
1960s-1970s - The minicomputers replaced the mainframes in most application. Being smaller and cheaper to operate but still powerful enough to do the job.
1980's and 1990's - The minicomputers gave way to microcomputers due to the lowered cost of hardware and emergence of new network technologies.
IS Hardware
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